
Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 23rd & 24th: back in Malaysia!

I’ve been back in Malaysia for about 1.5 days now. While I won’t hold myself to the April resolutions of weekday daily exercise and raw/lightly-processed food, I will try not to fall too far off the wagon! One way to help with that is to continue keeping track of my activities, so read on if you’re not bored to tears already!

April 23rd:
Upon arriving on early Friday afternoon, I accompanied my parents to lunch, and sipped on air kelapa muda (coconut water) while they ate. Later that afternoon, I had a snack of a few pistachios and a quarter of an apple. Dinner was some sambal fish, tau foo with crabmeat, stir-fried beans with garlic, and rice from Sri Melaka restaurant.

April 24th:
Early morning (6 am) had a large mug of my lemongrass green tea (yup, I brought a box with me!). Joined my mother for her yoga class at 9:30am, then had breakfast at a nearby mamak: was good and had teh ‘o’ limau (hot lemon tea) instead of teh tarik with my roti telur, although that was accompanied by not just dhal but also some sambal and various chutneys that rightly went with my mother’s thosai! In the middle of the day I had half a green apple as a snack. Dinner was a variety of items from the buffet at a pal’s mother’s birthday party: I took just small amounts of the food, and totally skipped dessert, so I pat myself on the back for not being tempted!! I did have two glasses of teh tarik though! :D

So far so good, food-wise ... and I'm gonna go easy with exercise seeing how I'm sweating so much just by being here already! Seriously. Humidity is *so* much fun! How on earth did I survive it before, I wonder?

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